WHEN a photoshopped image of Chloë Grace Moretz went viral, she became the subject of several online memes.
Web denizens on social media even went as far as to compare the Tom and Jerry star to a character featured in Family Guy.

What is the meaning of the Chloë Grace Moretz Family Guy meme?
On May 23, 2016, Chloë Grace Moretz was photographed on her way back to her New York City hotel.
Since then, online users have taken those images of Chloë and photoshopped her body.
The manipulated images make it appear as if Chloë’s legs are longer than they actually are and that her torso is smaller than it is in reality.
The edited pictures of the actress caused Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit users to draw similarities between Chloë and Legs Go All the Way Up Griffin from the FOX cartoon Family Guy.
In the Family Guy gag that didn’t reference Chloë in the first place, Peter Griffin remembers his great aunt and recalls how her legs went all the way up to her neck with no torso visible.
The comedic cutaway scene was originally featured in the episode titled Amish Guy, which was first aired on November 27, 2011.
How did Chloë respond?
Years later after the Internet memes in her likeness first became widespread, Chloë shared her feelings about the ordeal.
“Then those two worlds collided and I felt really raw and vulnerable and open.
“Then came the onslaught of horrific memes that started getting sent to me about my body.”
The star further shared: “I’ve actually never really talked about this, but there was one meme that really affected me, of me walking into a hotel with a pizza box in my hand.
“This photo got manipulated into a character from Family Guy with the long legs and the short torso, and it was one of the most widespread memes at the time.
“Everyone was making fun of my body and I brought it up with someone and they were like, ‘Oh, shut the f**k up, it’s funny.’”
She added: “I just remember sitting there and thinking, my body is being used as a joke and it’s something that I can’t change about who I am, and it is being posted all over Instagram.
“It was something so benign as walking into a hotel with leftovers.
“To this day, when I see that meme, it’s something very hard for me to overcome.”
“I think that body dysmorphia, which we all deal with in this world, is extrapolated by the issues of social media. It’s a headf**k,” said the People’s Choice Award winner.