“How to take care of indoor plants” always be a challenge for the beginner. There are many different types of common houseplants, and most of them have similar care requirements. To keep houseplants alive and growing, there are fundamental things you should know. Especially for beginners learning about houseplant care, there are a few rules of thumb to remember. Adria Workshop will show you how to care for indoor plants in this article. Read them below!

Knowing your indoor plant

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How to take care of indoor plants: 10 easy tips for houseplant care for beginners. (Source: internet)

Pet-friendly plants should be essential to every interior design. Greenery brightens up indoor spaces and is known to have mood-boosting qualities. When you consider how to grow plants, make sure the plant you’re buying is the kind that can live in your space. So, the first step is to determine whether your living space has enough light.

Moreover, things like access to light, temperature, and humidity are things to consider. This step will help you save time when choosing to buy houseplants.

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Plants for the office desk need to be taken care of regularly. (Source: internet)

Then, the next step for taking care of indoor plants for beginners is to learn all the basics about the type of plants you plan to grow. From the type of soil, the amount of water needed, the right fertilizer, and the temperature and light, you need to know this information to maintain the life of the indoor plants.

Choose the correct type of soil

Soil is also considered in how to take care of indoor plants. Most houseplants flourish in a pH range of slightly acidic to neutral (6.0 to 7.0). If you want to test the pH of your soil, use a soil test kit or a soil pH meter. You can control soil pH by adding sulfur to lower pH or powdered limestone to boost pH.

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Choosing the correct type of soil that will be advantageous for your indoor plants’ low maintenance. (Source: internet)

Watering plants consistency

Most people worry that they’re not watering their plants enough, but they’re watering too much. When you water too much, the plant will not absorb nutrients, and the roots will soak in water for too many days. This work will lead to soggy roots and even the death of the plant.

That means watering plants once or twice a week is appropriate for most of them when you thoroughly but infrequently water them. While watering your houseplants, slowly pour water onto the soil until water escapes through the container’s drainage holes. That is your signal to cease watering!

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Watering plants sometimes becomes a challenge in houseplant care for beginners (Source: internet)

Fertilize houseplants periodically

Well-fed houseplants reward you with healthy growth. So if you want to ensure your houseplants will remain happy and healthy, you may need to provide fertilizers.  A high-quality fertilizer feeds plants and soil, creating an environment for sustained, vibrant growth. If you want to buy it, go to a garden center and look for a fertilizer with “indoor plant” on the label. You will use less fertilizer for plants inside versus outside, so ensure you use the rate specified for indoor plants.

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Choose the right fertilizer will be the best way for beginners to grow plants. (Source: internet)

Notice the light

To complete their vital biological activities, all plants require sunlight. Most plants in the bedroom need low light (four to six hours per day), medium light (six or more hours per day), or high light (less than three hours a day). Plants will need intense, direct light (such as sunshine coming through a south-facing window) or indirect or filtered light (sunlight through a curtain or light from a bulb).

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Some cool indoor plants need low light. (Source: internet)

Repot Overgrown Indoor Plants

Almost all potted plants need periodic repotting. As the plant grows, its roots thrive and become too large for its pot, or if the nutrients in the potting soil have depleted, it’s time to repot it.

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Some indoor plants need periodic repotting. (Source: internet)

Clean Plants of Dust

Cleaning your houseplants’ leaves is essential, even though it may seem tedious. A layer of dust on the foliage will block sunlight and reduce the plant’s ability to photosynthesize.

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Some large house decor plants need to clean when they get dusty. (Source: internet)

Trim Back Houseplants

This is essential since your large indoor plants may lose energy due to damaged leaves and stems. By removing those dead sections, you’re lifting some of the burdens from your plant and allowing it to focus on developing new, healthy leaves and helping houseplant decor improve.

Moreover, if some of the leaves are damaged due to bacterial infection or fungus, it’s best to get rid of them to won’t spread to the rest of the plant.

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How to take care of indoor plants tips: Trim Back Houseplants (Source: internet)

Remove Deadhead Flowers and Remove Dying Leaves

Removing the blooms after they have gone by promotes flowering for many plants. People take the old blossoms off to keep ugly, shriveled-up flowers from marring the appearance of a planting bed.

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Remove Deadhead Flowers and Remove Dying Leaves are the best way to care for indoor plants. (Source: internet)

Control Insect Pests

Insect pests can be an essential factor in caring for indoor plants. Houseplants are significantly more vulnerable to pests in the winter. You may not need to water all your plants once a week throughout the winter, but examining them regularly is still a good idea.

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Watch out for insect pests in your mid century modern plants. (Source: internet)

In particular, check the undersides of leaves and joints where the branches meet the main stem. Specks can identify several pests on the leaves, fuzzy white lumps (mealybugs), spider webs (spider mites), or clusters of tiny hard bumps (scale). If you discover pests, isolate the afflicted plants immediately and treat the infestation immediately.


Indoor plants are popular because they are relatively easy to care for, provide health benefits, and can be used in various indoor décor themes. We’ve shown you how to care for indoor plants in the Adria Workshop blog. Hopefully, you will find some tips for indoor plants without sunlight. If you want more information about mid century modern plant stands or how to arrange plants in the living room, please check out our website.