UFO hunter claims to have discovered a 20m tall alien in Antarctica

A UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) hunter has made a shocking announcement that he has discovered a giant extraterrestrial creature at least 20 meters high in Antarctica.

UFO hunter claims to have discovered a 20m tall alien in Antarctica
The image was claimed by UFO hunters to be giant aliens

The existence of aliens has always been a subject of endless debate, but one conspiracy theorist believes he has evidence that aliens have come to Earth. According to Express, UFO hunters and people Famous alien Scott C Waring says he has found an “alien giant” at least 20 meters high on a mountainside in Antarctica thanks to Google Earth. not far from the entrance to a cave entrance. Google’s measuring tape estimates that this figure is 20 meters high and the cave entrance is 22 meters high,” Mr. Waring said in a video posted on his Youtube channel.

UFO hunter claims to have discovered a 20m tall alien in Antarctica
Image of “giant” and cave entrance as claimed by famous UFO and alien hunter Scott C Waring.

This expert said that the photo above was taken by a satellite – an instrument that simply recorded what it observed. According to him, there have been claims of high-altitude aliens in the past. 4-5m in Russia and we have also repeatedly found giant skeletons of human-like creatures. Therefore, his discovery of a 20m tall “giant” is not too strange. However, those who are skeptical about the above discovery and even NASA also believe that the “giant” and the way into the cave were simply rocks or tracks in the snow and Mr. Scott C Waring was fooled by the phenomenon of pareidolia – a psychological obsession with faces. When suffering from this syndrome, an area in the brain is awakened to analyze and recognize faces from images obtained from the eyes.









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