Strange objects in the US do not rule out the possibility of being aliens

A US congressman emphasized that Americans deserve to know more about a series of “strange objects” in recent days. There have been questions about UFOs and aliens.

Strange objects in the US do not rule out the possibility of being aliens

F-22 fighter jet. In the past few days, the US has sent F-22s to shoot down at least 2 strange objects near the Canadian border – Photo: GETTY

On February 12, the US military announced that they had shot down a strange object near Lake Huron. The incident raises many questions about security.

Don’t know what a “strange object” is

In a recent announcement, the US Department of Defense said they expected to find the body of the above object. This is the fourth flying object shot down in the US in less than 10 days.

Previously on February 4, the US shot a Chinese hot air balloon over Montana. On February 10, the White House announced the shooting of a second object over Alaska.

A day later, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said a US fighter jet shot a third “unidentified object” over Canada’s Yukon Lake. And most recently on February 12, the US shot a flying object near Lake Huron in Michigan.

The Pentagon admitted it did not know what the three closest objects were. They watched it for almost a day, and just knew it didn’t look like a Chinese hot air balloon. According to AFP, an official described the object that was recently shot as octagonal in shape.

Northern Command Commander Glen VanHerck said he sent a plane to inspect the object and saw no threat.

The incident created great confusion and curiosity in the media as well as the people. When asked if there was a possibility of aliens or extraterrestrial objects appearing, Mr. VanHerck replied that he would let the intelligence community find out.

“We call them objects, not balloons, for a reason,” Mr. VanHerck added.

Reuters said the recent incidents of strange objects occurred when the Pentagon launched a new effort for several years to investigate cases of military detection of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

UFOs have now been officially renamed UAP (unidentified aerial phenomenon) by the government.


There are currently hundreds of reports being investigated. The US government is learning about unusual objects, from space, the sky and underwater.

However, the Pentagon says there is no evidence that alien life has visited Earth.

Pressure for information about foreign objects

Congressman Jack Bergman (Michigan) confirmed that he had contacted the Department of Defense about the object in Lake Huron. On Twitter, he wrote: “Americans deserve more answers than we are getting.”

Members of the US Congress complained that they were not informed about the recent incident. “I’m waiting for visual information. The security of our country is my priority,” said Rep. Matt Rosendale (Montana).

On ABC’s “This Week” program, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said US officials currently believe that both objects are balloons, smaller in size than Chinese balloons.

But US officials have not yet released many details about the objects shot down on February 10 and 11.

Mr. Mike Turner, Ohio Congressman, also admitted not knowing anything about the two latest objects. Members of the US Congress also did not receive any official information from President Joe Biden’s administration.

According to Mr. Turner, the reason seems to lie in the fact that the Biden administration really has no information: “From the press conference we watched, it seems like they acted without real information about what they were doing.”

A series of strange objects are putting pressure on the Biden administration. Previously, some opinions criticized the US for waiting many days to shoot down the Chinese hot air balloon.


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