After Mbappé’s controversy, Luis Enrique’s words trying to calm the situation


The PSG coach tried to put out the fire and the controversy regarding Mbappe.

Paris Saint-Germain managed to win today against Nantes, in a match that would have gone almost unnoticed, had it not been for Luis Enrique’s controversial decision prior to the match. The Spanish coach chose to leave Mbappé on the bench! The French forward has just informed the president of PSG that he will not continue at the club, and many fans believe that his absence today is no coincidence…

Beyond the controversy, Luis Enrique put Kylian Mbappé to play as soon as he saw that the game was complicated. It should be noted that Mbappé also scored a goal with very few minutes on the field, showing that he is one of the best players in the world.

Now, Luis Enrique has tried to justify his decision not to play with Mbappé from the beginning, and these were his words: “After a complicated Champions League match, we tried to refresh the team and get it moving. Players had the opportunity to have more minutes.

Luis Enrique and his explanation;

“We played a Champions League match two players ago. Some players lacked the energy to play so they had to rotate. Our goals are ambitious, we are fighting for all the titles, we must involve all the players. Five players did not start the Champions League match. “He had to be rotated.”

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