As Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 servers begin to spin up and come online there’s one celebrity who’s particularly keen to get in and start clicking some heads, that being The Peripheral star Chloë Grace Mortez.
While she hasn’t expressed any direct interest in Modern Warfare 2, she’s most certainly keen to drop into Warzone 2.0, and has snatched up an impressive gaming rig for the occasion, with a highly sought-after NVIDIA RTX 4090 graphics card to boot.
Moretz is evidently quite keen to get stuck into it at 4K resolution at 400 frames per second. Such performance is quite the ambitious feat for even the most powerful of gaming rigs, but she’s going to be trying her damndest to hit her desired benchmark:
Of course, ownership of a RTX 4090 is worth quite a few clout points among gamers, with the card in short supply much like the previous generation of 30 series cards, and of course PlayStation 5’s and Xbox Series consoles.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has officially hit store shelves today, and if Chloë is serious about stepping up her Warzone 2.0 game when that releases on Nov. 16, she’d best get to hopping into the former’s multiplayer for some sweet sweet exp to get her guns leveled up for the purposes of lasering chumps on Nov. 16.
If she’s not too busy with her Nimona voice-acting duties, that is. She may also find herself splitting her time between Call of Duty and Final Fantasy XIV, an MMORPG she wouldn’t mind living in.
Another beloved actor which once again gained favor with gamers today was Henry Cavill, who revealed just how long his daily Total War: Warhammer 3 sessions often end up being.