En el ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida con preocupaciones, hay pequeños momentos que inconscientemente te hacen sonreír.
Puede ser cualquier cosa que le recuerde sus mejores recuerdos, un amigo cercano o su mascota favorita. Recientemente, una foto de un niño cargando un perro al mercado temprano hizo que muchas personas se sintieran cómodas al mirarlo.
La imagen se comparte en toda la web, grandes y pequeños, atrayendo hasta 17.000 me gusta y cientos de comentarios compartidos.
“Recordando mi infancia, todavía tenía un amplio jardín, criaba muchos perros, gatos, conejos y gallinas. Solo levantando y tocando la escena, sin hacer nada. ¡Solo alimentarlos es suficiente!”, los recuerdos más hermosos de la infancia de repente vinieron a la mente de Bui Tu Anh al mirar la foto de arriba.
The action of the dog using its forelimbs to hug the owner’s small back makes viewers feel their heart soften and love too much. Perhaps, the owner is too young to understand that his pet dog is afraid of falling. The only thing he could count on was a tight hug from the back of the bike.
Ngan Ha, the author of the photo that caused a social media fever, shared: “Yesterday, I went to Don market, Phu Binh, Thai Nguyen and met this boy. It was interesting so I took my phone to take a photo. I also love animals very much. animals and have pet dogs at home, so wherever you see a dog, you can see it. This boy looks like me from the old days…”
Ngan Ha feels very surprised when the pictures taken in a hurry at her market are so interested and interested by the online community.
The lovely image of the owner – servant in the photo of going to the market together caused a fever, rekindling many beautiful memories of young people with family pets.
“In the past, it was always put in the cart to run around the village… Later on, it was afraid that it wouldn’t be able to jump off every time, so it just sat still in the cart with the three-station platform,” Hai Yen said.
Thao Hoang commented: “In the past, in the countryside, I had a son, Max, too, it took a lot of practice to dare to sit. Haha”.
“In the past, it was very smart to raise a cat. He saw his father taking the car to pick him up from school and followed him out to wait at the gate of that house, it’s been 8 years,” Dao Nhat Han recalls.
Suy Huynh dijo con humor: “Lo he decidido. Ahorraré mucho dinero, compraré muchos Pitbull para cuidarlos y criarlos, y los dos caminaremos juntos por el resto de nuestras vidas”.