Discovering strange creatures resembling alien monsters

The skeleton of a strange creature that looks similar to director Ridley Scott’s alien monster was recently discovered by a man in England in a cocoon in an old house.

The skeleton of a strange creature that looks similar to the alien monster created by movie director Ridley Scott was recently discovered by a man in England lying in a cocoon in an old house.

A bizarre skeleton of some kind of animal was discovered in his house by a man  from Lancashire, England. The shape of the strange skeleton looks like an alien animal.

Discovering strange creatures resembling alien monsters


The skeleton has a strange shape unlike any other animal

The 55-year-old man said he found the corpse of a strange creature when he pulled out the shield from the foot of the cupboard to make repairs at his home in Altcar, Lancashire, England. It is known that the house where Mr. Kevin and his wife and children lived was built of stone for a long time.

Mr. Rea said, at first he saw a covered cocoon. Peeling off the outer membrane revealed a “beast” skeleton about 15cm long. “I don’t know what it is, but when I first saw it, I thought of an alien creature jumping out of John Hurt’s chest in the horror movie ‘Alien’,” Mr. Rea confided. White.

 Discovering strange creatures resembling alien monsters

Director Ridley Scott’s creation of the alien monster looks similar to a strange skeleton

After taking some photos of the unusual skeleton, Mr. Rea threw it away because it looked “very disgusting”.

Currently, experts still do not agree on what the skeleton could be.

In director Ridley Scott’s 1979 horror film, aliens secretly hunted and killed the crew on the Nostromo spacecraft after infiltrating astronaut John Hurt’s body, then boarding the ship.

Discovering strange creatures resembling alien monsters

However, Mr. Stuart Hine, Director of Advisory and Assessment at the British Museum of Natural History, said that with such a size, this could be a mouse or rodent. Because the skull of the strange creature is inverted, facing backwards, the shoulder bones and two front limbs are missing, so it resembles an alien shape.


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